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A member registered Nov 14, 2019

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(3 edits)

Instructions... Oops. Silly me. Speaking of the gaming experience. I would like to suggest removing the reduction in strength when you are fucked while holding the "S" key or when you don't struggle (No mashing). The strenght will be spent on real actions, and not on its own. This will help make experiments easier without changing their condition. Now a lot depends on the randomness. Also, it makes sense. Ow. And some "fainted" rape animations. Its usable for "S" rapes and after mind break. It is a little strange to see her jump to her feet during a mind break when attacked by a fly, for example. Now there are already many locations and new animations diversify the game even more. But if the priority is precisely the new location, then I am not a decree to you. The game is already good! This is the witcher from the world of indie porn games! It is just rare to see the completed game, especially as it develops further.

(3 edits)

My 1.0.4 saves doesn't work with 1.0.5b. What could be the problem?